Walking in LA. No, I’m not referring to the song by the 80s band Missing Persons. There’s a reason people don’t go walking in LA. It’s the sidewalks. If you live in LA, you know that our sidewalks are a trip hazard waiting to happen – what with the old, crumbling concrete and tree roots upending hunks of sidewalk left and right.
While our sidewalks have always been the bane to our pedestrian existence in LA, there is hope! A new(ish) program in LA is focused on fixing those sidewalks sooner, rather than later. Safe Sidewalks LA aims to give home and business owners the power and flexibility to fix those sidewalks and have the city foot the bill.
Safe Sidewalks Permit Process
Safe Sidewalks LA is a rebate program that pays home and business owners to fix their sidewalks. So, how does it work?
First, you apply through the city at sidewalks.lacity.org or 311. A city representative will ask you for pertinent information and a city inspector will check out your sidewalk in person before a rebate is offered to you via email. Then, you hire a licensed concrete contractor, pull the permits, and complete the work. After that, a city inspector checks out the work and you submit a W9. After all that, the city will mail you the rebate check.
Benefits of Professional Permit Expediting
Sound like a lot of work? It can seem overwhelming. On top of finding a licensed concrete contractor and trying to keep up with all the paperwork involved – you also have to keep on top of your email. That’s right. Once the city offers you the rebate, you have a certain amount of time to accept the rebate before it goes to someone else. And! You have no heads up when you’re going to get that magical email. The process could take six months up to two years! Who has time for that?
If it seems like more trouble than it’s worth, hire a professional. Professional expeditors make it their job (literally) to go through all the paperwork process for you.
In fact, one of the benefits of hiring Safer Sidewalks is that we are a one-stop shop. Not only are we one of the few licensed concrete contractors in the market, we have extensive experience in the rebate process. We can get you through the complete process – from application to construction to rebate – in a reasonable amount of time. We have a clear understanding of the permitting process and an attention to detail needed to streamline the permitting process.
Call us today for an estimate.