At Safer Sidewalks, our mission is to enhance the safety and accessibility of sidewalks in communities throughout Los Angeles. Our comprehensive approach begins with identifying problematic areas and analyzing the cause of the problem. We then work closely with property owners and city inspectors (and even arborists!) to develop and implement customized and effective solutions.

We Fix Sidewalks for Residential Properties

We’re Angelinos. We know how bad our sidewalks are and we are here to fix the problem. We work diligently towards making our neighborhood sidewalks safe for a stroll with your family, a bike ride with your kids, or just a walk with the dog. Our sidewalks shouldn’t resemble skate parks.

If you are working with the city to obtain a rebate to fix your sidewalk, we can help you through the process. If you have already been approved for the Safe Sidewalks LA Rebate, we will work with the city inspectors and arborists (yes, those trees may be the culprit in creating that trip hazard) to ensure that your sidewalk is fixed and you get your rebate in a timely manner.

Fixing your sidewalk without the rebate? Not a problem. We can help you through the permit process to ensure that your new sidewalk is up to city code.

Small Businesses

We also work with small businesses to ensure the safety of their sidewalks. Think about all the foot traffic that goes in and out of your business all day. As a business owner, the last thing you need on your plate is a lawsuit because someone tripped on the sidewalk in front of your establishment.

Another thing for small businesses to consider is this: Is your sidewalk ADA compliant? Through the Safe Sidewalks LA rebate program, the city will pay you to ensure that your sidewalk is ADA-compliant. This is especially good news for businesses that have corner lots, where pedestrians are walking into the street.

Did you know that the city will also help pay to fix your driveway entrance? That’s right. If your driveway apron is in the line of pedestrian traffic, the city’s Safe Sidewalk LA rebate will pay to fix it.

We can help you through the rebate process with the city or, if you are fixing your sidewalk with a permit, we will work with you and the city to ensure that your sidewalk is free of trip-hazards.

City, Public, and Private Facilities

Not only do we work with private individuals and businesses, but as a licensed concrete contractor and approved city vendor, we have the ability to work on any city property that needs a new sidewalk.

The city’s rebate program has been fixing sidewalks all over the city in front of libraries, schools, courts, city offices, etc. Basically, any city-owned building with a torn up public sidewalk is in line for the rebate.

Los Angeles has over 11,000 miles of sidewalk. Most of that sidewalk has been neglected for decades. Now, the city is asking property owners to help fix the sidewalks – and they’ll pay for it. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s fix our sidewalks, LA!

Give us a call for more information.

Reach Us

Schedule your free consultation with us today.

17523 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills, CA 91344



Sidewalk Repair

Sidewalk Repair

Tree Removal

Tree Removal

City Gutter Repair

Curb & Gutter