by Alonso Romero
CA State Lic. Concrete & Masonry C-8
CA State Lic. General Construction - B
Buckaroo Banzai the Concrete Nerd
Actual person performing the job
Date: Jan 02, 2025
Bicycle Rack Installation Los Angeles
With over 28,000 miles of street lanes and 650 miles of freeways around Los Angeles, it’s safe to say that we live a car culture here. For decades, Los Angeles city planners have made cars and trucks our default transportation. For a city as spread out as Los Angeles, that’s not surprising. However, that car culture has been experiencing a shift over the past 20 years.
More and more the city is working to become more pedestrian and bike friendly. You may have noticed this while driving around. There are more bike lanes on major streets. The city has installed special bike paths around the LA River and other parts of the city. The ever popular CicLAVia events close down portions of the city to invite more participation by pedestrians and bike riders. You may also increasingly notice more bike racks around the city.
If you’re a business property owner, this is no surprise. For years, the city has been requiring property owners to install bike racks seemingly every time they apply for a permit. So, how do you go about installing a bike rack at your property?
Do new or existing commercial properties in Los Angeles require bike rack installation?
Absolutely, yes. The city has a myriad of ordinances requiring new and existing properties to install bike racks. I know what you may be thinking – my old building? Do I have to install bike racks? If you are doing major renovations and have to pull permits, chances are that the city will require you to install bike permits before your project is signed off.
The only time you may not have to install a bike rack is if you are near a city funded Bicycle Corral. If your property is within 500 feet of one of these corrals, it may count up to four bicycle parking spaces towards their required short-term bicycle parking spaces
Where do I have to install bike racks in Los Angeles?
Where you install your bike racks depends upon whether you have new construction or an existing building.
Here’s what you need to know for new construction:
Short-term parking (aka, bike racks) need to be located outside buildings.
The bike parking must be located so that it is visible from the main entrance.
Short term bike parking must be no farther than 50 feet of walking distance from the main pedestrian entrance.
If the building has more than one entrance, the bike parking will be split equally between the two entrances.
Here’s what you need to know for existing buildings:
If you can’t install short term bike parking outside the building, you must locate it inside the building or on the street level of the parking garage.
If your bike parking is inside the building or the parking garage, you must put up a sign at each building entrance explaining where the bike parking is located.
For all bike parking, there must be adequate lighting to ensure safe access. You also have to install reflectorized signs at street entrances indicating where the bicycle parking is located.
What type of bike rack do I need to install in Los Angeles?
Now that you know you have to install bicycle parking, the question is…what type of bike racks do you need to install?
Remember those old bike racks that your elementary school had? It was a metal row of poles that you locked your bike wheel to? That’s not the type of bike rack the city will allow you to install.
The city requires you install a bike rack that allows both a wheel and the body of the bicycle to be locked up (thus thwarting bike thieves who will leave the wheel behind). These bike racks are not cheap either. You can expect to spend between $1500 and $2000 on the bicycle rack alone, not including the installation.
The city Department of Transportation does install bike corrals in public parking spaces. These public racks and corrals are owned by the city of LA. While the LADOT does not provide, install or maintain racks for private residential and commercial development, you can take advantage of the Corral Incentive Program. You can find out more information about the program by emailing ladot.active@lacity.org
How many bicycle parking spaces do I need to install for my commercial property in Los Angeles?
Installing short term bicycle parking may seem like a daunting task, but it really doesn’t have to be. The city ordinances spell out how many bike parking spaces you must have. In general, you must have a minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces and then more depending on your square footage.
Here is a list of how many bicycle parking spaces you must have, based on square footage:
Office: 1 per 10,000 square feet
Warehouse: 1 per 10,000 square feet
Private school/Charter school: 4 per classroom
Trade School and Private Colleges: 1 per 500 square feet or 1 per 50 fixed seats (whichever is greater)
Health Clubs: 1 per 2,000 square feet
Restaurants and Bars: 1 per 2,000 square feet
Small Restaurant (Under 1,000 square feet): 2 per restaurant
Retail stores: 1 per 2,000 square feet
Furniture Stores: 1 per 10,000 square feet
Do I need to install long-term bicycle parking in Los Angeles?
Again, the answer is…yes. You do need to install long term bicycle parking in new and existing buildings. Again, how many you have to install is based on your square footage, with two spaces required at minimum.
What does long-term bicycle parking look like?
Lockers: These can be rented out to individuals or made available to the public.
Bike Room and Bike Cages: These are geared more towards apartment buildings and large employment centers. This is a separate room or a sections off area of a larger room or garage
Bicycle Transit Centers/Bike Stations: These are indoor facilities available to members of the public. They are usually staffed by employees that offer bike repairs, rentals, information and other commercial activities.
Lockers Lockers can be rented to individuals or made available to the public through the installation of code locks or locking mechanisms such as a U-lock. Lockers can typically be rented for set periods of time such as 3 months, 6 months, or a year. Bike Room & Bike Cages Bike rooms and bike cages provide long term bicycle parking for apartment buildings and large employment centers. A bike room is often a room of its own that is easily accessible and where bicycles can be parked safely. Bike cages are similar to bike rooms but may be a sectioned off area of a larger room or garage. Bicycle Transit Centers/ Bike Stations These amenities are indoor facilities that are accessible to members of the general public. They are usually staffed by employees that offer bike repairs, rentals, information, and other commercial activities.
How long does it take to install commercial bicycle parking in Los Angeles?
Once you have the proper bike rack, it actually doesn’t take that long to install it. In fact, it takes about a day to install commercial bicycle parking in Los Angeles. It’s an easy project that the city requires. Why not get it done before the city asks for it?